Sage CRM and Sage 50 Accounts Integration Module – SIM50
SIM50 (Sage Integration Module 50) is the real time integration module which links Sage CRM to Sage 50 Accounts.
The Sage Integration Module therefore has massive potential to help you link the Sage 50 accounting system to your CRM, allowing your company to benefit from increased efficiency and accuracy with day to day working practices.
How beneficial would it be to your organisation if you could integrate Sage 50 accounts with Sage CRM?
Sales teams will be able to raise orders and invoices to customers and suppliers, enter in new companies and find out whether customers and suppliers are on hold etc based upon credit control.
Businesses operate best when everyone, every process, every procedure and every department is pulling in the same direction. It is vital for marketing to be able to link up with sales on lead generation and accounts to be able to provide information on payment histories for customers and suppliers.
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